
Birkenzucker in Zahnpasta heißt Xylit oder Xylitol und sieht aus wie weißer Zucker

Xylitol – Is Birch Sugar in Tooth Powder Health...

A study comes to alarming findings.

Xylitol – Is Birch Sugar in Tooth Powder Health...

A study comes to alarming findings.

Testen Sie unser Bio-Zahnpulver!

Try our organic tooth powder!

Order a trial pack and get the purchase price credited!

Try our organic tooth powder!

Order a trial pack and get the purchase price credited!

Zahnputzpulver Vergleich 2025: Wir sind auf Platz 3 unter den Top 11 Zahnputzpulvern!

We are the best!

Toothpaste is a thing of the past – Bio Tooth Powder for healthy and sustainable oral care

We are the best!

Toothpaste is a thing of the past – Bio Tooth Powder for healthy and sustainable oral care

Wintergrünöl in Zahnpasta?

Wintergreen oil in toothpaste?

Methyl salicylate concentration limits

Wintergreen oil in toothpaste?

Methyl salicylate concentration limits

Indischer Kardamom – Exotischer Genuss für Ihre Küche

Indian Cardamom – Exotic Delight for Your Kitchen

Aromatic and Versatile.

Indian Cardamom – Exotic Delight for Your Kitchen

Aromatic and Versatile.

Nachhaltige Zahnpflege – Tipps für eine gesunde Mundhygiene

Sustainable Oral Care – Tips for a Healthy Smile

Healthy teeth – sustainable care.

Sustainable Oral Care – Tips for a Healthy Smile

Healthy teeth – sustainable care.